Forensic Document Examination
Finding and knowing the truth about a signature or document can significantly put your mind at ease.
We authenticate documents and handwritings including, but not limited to, the following:
- Alterations
- Bank Robbery Notes
- Confessions
- Contracts
- Counterfeit Credit Cards
- Cut & Paste
- Death Threats
- Deeds
- Diplomas
- Disguise
- Electronic alterations
- Embezzlement
- Gift Certificates
- Graffiti
- Hate Mail
- ID Theft
- Industrial Espionage
- Indentions
- Inserts
- Insurance Fraud
- Medical Malpractice
Are you a victim of a forgery? Do you think you are a victim of a forgery? Has someone written you a threatening note? We can help you.
We can guide you through this confusing, sometimes challenging process.
We have helped corporations, individuals, and private investigators win their cases based on my expert testimony about a questioned document and or handwriting sample. Not all examinations involve attorneys.
Not all examinations involve legal entities, we assist law enforcement, attorneys, courts, and individuals. Our opinions may save you legal fees, court fees.
- Determine the authenticity of documents
- Determine the origin of documents
- Determine if a document has been altered
- Determine the age of a document
- Determine the type of writing instrument used on a document
- Determine the author of a document through comparison writings
What is a document?
- Any material (mostly paper), but can include walls, blackboards, mirrors;
- With writing (written in ink, paint, blood, pen, pencil, carbon paper, indention, lipstick)
- Examples: wills, envelopes, checks, contracts, letters, deeds, time cards, medical records, banking instruments
Why are we necessary?
- Determine if documents are sequential order
- Determine if document contacts were altered / changed / substituted
- Determine if documents have been fabricated, embezzled, counterfeit
When are we necessary?
- At crime scenes: bank robbers notes, kidnapping notes, hate mail, confessions, blackmail
- Corporate minutes, medical records, legal records, check amounts
- Contested wills, fraud
Where are we?
Location is not an issue to examine most documents – the documents can come to us.
Free Consultation
Call LPR Investigations at 979.732.3454 for a free and private consultation. We can help get your peace of mind back.